What is the UKIO Congress?
A three-day annual multidisciplinary Congress covering all aspects of diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology, as well as radiology informatics and service delivery. The event consists of a scientific conference and large technical exhibition and attracts around 2,000 attendees.
Who should attend?
Anyone involved in medial imaging or radiation oncology – Radiographers, Radiologists, Physicists, Buisness Managers, Dosimetrists, Clinical Leads, Technologists, Radiology Service Managers, IT Managers, Academics, Hospital Managers, Engineers, Technicians, Purchasing & Supplies Managers, Radiotherapists, Oncologists and Radiation Protection Advisors
How do I register?
Registration will open in early December.
As an exhibition visitor can I attend any lectures?
You will be able to attend the Eponymous Lectures, demo zone and exhibition lecture hall sessions, plus plenary sessions and other selected sessions. Look for the open padlock icon on the programme.
How do I submit an abstract?
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday 16 December 2019. Click here to find out more about submitting an abstract.
How do I claim CPD credits?
CPD Credits are awarded, you will receive an attendance certificate within two weeks of the congress by email. For exhibition visitors, a number of companies will be taking part in the “Education on the stand” initiative. More details will be available shortly.
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