Build times
Space only get in: Saturday 8 June 10:00-18:00
Sunday 9 June 08:00-18:00
Mobile units: Saturday 8 June 06:00-09:00
All stands must be complete by 18:00 on Sunday

Space only stands must fit entirely within the space purchased.
Materials used in the construction of stands, features and displays, including signs and fascia must be:
- Of a suitable nature and quality for the purposes and conditions of their intended use.
- Adequately prepared and fixed in order to adequately perform the functions for which they are designed.
- Non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof, in accordance with BS476-Part 7.
- Water based, where applicable, e.g. adhesives and paint.
Any exhibit, process or feature that is likely to generate and/or emit gases, vapours, liquids, fumes or dust shall be constructed so as not to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance and shall comply with the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.
Stands should be designed to ensure that it is not unreasonably difficult for a disabled person to access the stand as required by The Equality Act.
Lockable store cupboard doors should have a small window. If a window is not included, then the door must not be locked at any time.
Floor coverings must be secured and maintained so that they do not cause a hazard. Fixing of floor coverings to the hall floor may only be carried out using venue approved tape. The venue will only approve exhibition tape which has a low tack bottom, high tack grab top and does not leave any residue or cause any damage to the floor when removed.
Please note: Where a wall abuts an adjoining stand and projects above the partition, it must be clad and decorated on both sides. Branding must not be included on the side that projects on to other stands.
An island site is one with four open sides. Island stands must be fully accessible from all sides. Exhibitors must not construct a continuous opaque or solid wall which may obstruct vision or delegate traffic to surrounding stands, or where the stand wall faces a gangway. Any solid walls must be no longer than 50% of total length of any one side of an open island site and must not affect any neighbouring stands. All designs, plans, risk assessments and method statements must be submitted for approval.
Any stand that includes any of the following will require structural calculations to be submitted in advance of the conference and a structural engineer will sign off the build once complete onsite:
- Any stand, or any part of a stand or exhibit which exceeds 4m, which requires structural calculations
- Any structure, regardless of its height which requires structural calculations
- Multi-storey stands
- Platforms and stages over 600mm high and all platforms and stages which are accessed by the public for viewing purposes (not including stand floor flats and platforms) will need to be signed off by an independent structural engineer
- Temporary raised or tiered seating
- A stand requiring foundations
- Sound/lighting towers
- Suspended items e.g. lighting rigs
- Travel distance of over 12 metres
Permission to build any complex structure will not be granted without prior submission of detailed scaled drawings, structural calculations, risk assessment and method statement and written confirmation from an independent structural engineer, with adequate professional indemnity cover, that the design is safe for its purpose.
Rigging above stands must be ordered via the ACC.
Please see the rigging booking form and guidelines
Or for further details email
The ACC must receive your rigging request 14 days prior to the commencement of build. They reserve the right to charge a surcharge of 20% for late orders and amendments received later than 14 days from the event. Enquiries received later than 7 days before the event may not be able to be facilitated.
The maximum build height in the ACC is 6m. Exhibitors building over 4m from the floor (including the height of any raised flooring), will need to submit structural calculations with design plans for approval and be signed off by a structural engineer onsite. Please refer to the complex structures section above.
For all your electrical requirements please order directly from the electrical contractor: The Exhibition & Events Co.
Use the link below. Code: space24UKIO.
or contact the team by email
Please note
- Mains power to blocks of stands and open space sites will only be energised after all work has been finished, then inspected and tested by the Mains Contractor.
- Battery power tools will be needed for build up.
- Unavoidable interruptions to supplies are possible during build up. During build the power will be turned off at 6pm.
- 24 Hour supplies are for the opening days of the Exhibition only and not available at short notice.
Please also note the following guidelines:
- It is not permissible for exhibitors’ own lights to be powered from a socket, except for bespoke fittings made for ‘pop up’ style displays, when there must be separate sockets for lighting and power.
- No electrical wiring will be permitted to cross aisles, walk areas on stands, or run to adjoining stands.
- Socket load must not exceed the ordered rating.
- Socket outlets must be at least 2m from a sink.
- 4-gang extension leads may not exceed 2m length and 500w load. There must be no more than one plug per socket and no multi-way adaptors may be used. It is not permissible to daisy chain 4 way 2 metre extension leads, or have more than one such lead per socket ordered
- Extension leads on reels/drums/coils of flexible cable are not permitted.
- Plug tops must comply with British Standards and be suitably fused.
- The maximum length of flexible cable to an appliance is 2m.
- It is a legal requirement that all plug-in items and associated wiring are PAT tested and test labels attached with certificates available for inspection.
- All cable joints must be protected.
- Light fittings must comply with all regulations and be suitable for their use.
- Long arm lights must not encroach on the gangway.
Any 24-hour supplies must be pre-ordered and cannot be arranged at short notice. No electrical work should be carried out by exhibitors.
Where welding, metal burning, brazing and other similar operations generating heat are carried out, either during the build-up or break-down periods, or as part of a demonstration, the exhibitor must ensure that adequate precautions are taken against damage to property or injury to persons by fire or hot metal. An appropriate competent person must carry out all cylinder connections and disconnections. The exhibitor shall advise the organisers in advance of the nature of the work or demonstrations and shall obtain a Hot Work Permit from the venue.
With regards to running supplies, waste connections and compressed air to stands, please click here for the booking form or call +44 (0) 151 703 7272 or email: before 22 May 2024.
The ACC offers various additional services for exhibitors from on-stand catering to AV, wifi packages and basic furniture hire.
Login and create a new account with your stand number
Exhibitors are reminded that the demonstration of equipment containing any ionising radiation is not permitted within the exhibition. ULTRASOUND SCANNING OF LIVE MODELS takes into account the 1988 statement of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) and 34 the 1992 European Federation of Societies of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) on the clinical safety of ultrasound. Specifically, therefore, ultrasound scanning of live models is permitted subject to the following conditions:
- Live models must be discreetly and properly attired at all times and must not be used as advertising/marketing attractions.
- Live models must have given their full informed consent.
- Pregnant women must not be used.
- Children under the age of 16 years must not be used.
- Endoscopic, intracavity and intravascular scanning is not permitted.
- Pulsed Doppler examinations of both male and female reproductive organs, including the breast, are not permitted.
- Subject to the preceding restrictions pulsed Doppler examinations may be carried out provided that overall exposure times are kept to a minimum and that the time to obtain and demonstrate Doppler information from any single point in tissue is less than 30 seconds.
Further advice regarding the use of live models may be obtained from the Society & College of Radiographers on +44 (0)20 7740 7200.
Space only exhibitors are required to submit all designs, plans, risk assessments and method statements via the H&S link inn the instruction email by 26 April at the latest.
Our approved freight forwarding and logistics contractor is Rhenus High Tech Ltd. They are logistics specialists, providing high quality solutions and specialising in freight forwarding, storage and lifting of healthcare and medical equipment.
Please note that there is no storage available at ACC so please contact Rhenus High Tech Ltd, to discuss and arrange offsite storage requirements. They can also provide forklifts and drivers for unloading services at the event – advance bookings are required.
+44 (0) 1784 422 900
- Floral arrangements: A local company Verdure can assist you. Tel +44 (0) 1613 334 556 or email The deadline for ordering is 29 May.
- Balloons: A local company Bubble Gum Balloons can assist you. Tel +44 (0) 1252 626 697 or email The deadline for ordering is 29 May.